Managing Diabetes during the Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time of year when people often indulge in many sweet treats and rich foods that can wreak havoc on blood sugar levels. For those living with diabetes, the holiday season can be especially challenging. However, with proper planning and some helpful tips, managing diabetes during the holiday season can be possible.

Plan Ahead for Holiday Meals

One of the key ways to manage diabetes during the holiday season is to plan ahead for holiday meals. When attending holiday dinners or events, it can be helpful to inquire about the menu in advance. This will allow you to plan your meals and ensure that there are healthy options available. Additionally, consider bringing a dish to share that meets your dietary needs.

When preparing holiday meals at home, consider using healthier substitutions. For example, use low-fat milk in recipes that call for cream, or use a sugar substitute instead of regular sugar. Also, portion control is important during the holiday season. Using a smaller plate and filling it up with veggies and lean proteins can help keep blood sugar levels in check.

Stay Active during the Holidays

Physical activity is important for managing diabetes, even during the holiday season. It can be easy to get bogged down with holiday preparations, but make sure to schedule time for physical activity. This could be as simple as taking a walk after a meal or doing an at-home workout.

Another way to stay active during the holidays is to engage in holiday-themed activities. Go ice skating with family or friends, take a hike to view holiday lights, or sign up for a holiday-themed 5k. These types of activities not only provide physical activity but also create lasting memories.

Handle Stressful Situations

The holiday season can also be stressful, which can affect blood sugar levels. Staying on top of stress during the holidays is important for managing diabetes. Some ways to cope with stress include meditation, yoga, or talking with a supportive friend or family member.

It's also important to stick to a regular schedule during the holidays to help manage stress. Get enough sleep, eat regularly, and keep up with medications and blood sugar monitoring.

Avoid Temptation

During the holiday season, temptation can be everywhere. It can be hard to resist all of the sweet treats and rich foods. One way to avoid temptation is to have a plan in place. For example, decide ahead of time that you will have one small dessert instead of indulging in multiple servings.

Another way to avoid temptation is to focus on non-food related activities. Spend time with family and friends doing things that don't involve food, such as playing board games or watching holiday movies.

  • Track Blood Sugar Levels

Lastly, it's important to keep track of blood sugar levels during the holiday season. With all of the holiday indulgences, blood sugar levels can be unpredictable. Make sure to monitor blood sugar levels regularly and adjust medication as needed.

Keeping a food diary during the holiday season can also be helpful. Note the types and amounts of food consumed, as well as any physical activity and medication adjustments. This can help identify patterns and make adjustments as needed.


Managing diabetes during the holiday season can be challenging, but it's not impossible. Planning ahead for holiday meals, staying active, handling stressful situations, avoiding temptation, and tracking blood sugar levels are all important ways to manage diabetes during the holiday season. By following these tips, those living with diabetes can enjoy the holiday season and maintain good blood sugar control.